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Some definitions
Domestic abuse
Any form of physical, verbal, sexual, psychological or financial abuse which might amount to criminal conduct and which takes place within the context of a relationship.
The relationship will be between partners (married, cohabiting, civil partnership or otherwise) or ex-partners. The abuse may be committed in the home or elsewhere including online.
Hate Crime
A hate crime is 'any crime perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by malice and ill will towards a social group'.
There are currently five social groups protected under hate crime legislation: Age, Disability, Race, Religion, Sex Characteristics, Sexual Orientation and Transgender Identity.
Hate Crime is when someone treats you badly because they do not like something about you, because of your Age, Disability, Race, Religion, Sex Characteristics, Sexual Orientation or Transgender Identity.
Consists of two or more behaviours towards a victim which cause, are intended to cause, or where the perpetrators behaviour is reckless as to whether it causes, the victim to suffer fear and alarm.
'Fear and alarm' covers physical or psychological harm, or apprehension or fear for the safety of the perceived victim or any other person.
It is important to recognise that Stalking can occur both within and out with Domestic relationships. For example between work colleagues, neighbours or strangers who have not formed any intimate relationship.
Every individual has a right to be free from harassment and accordingly a person must not pursue a ‘course of conduct’ which amounts to harassment of another and is intended to amount to harassment of that person, or occurs in circumstances where it would amount to harassment of that person.
Harassment includes causing a person alarm or distress and a course of conduct must involve conduct on at least two occasions.